Kettle Manifesto


Really, my process is about finding just the right product – I have been known to make a client (or two) a wee bit bonkers while doing so. Want a great kettle? Neeeeeed a great kettle? Well, it just so happens that I have a fabulous process when scouting out the spouted beauties! You say you want a new kettle for your newly renovated home? I am on it – perfect kettle coming right up! 

A client once deemed it my Kettle Manifesto. Simply, I share my views when asked, or let’s be honest, even hinted at… then I source many varieties, relaying all the pros and cons of each in order for you to make the best choice for your needs. A good kettle is easy to find, now, a GREAT kettle, this is a trickier feat!

Aesthetic design is obviously at the forefront of choice, but more importantly, how will you love and use your kettle? Do you prefer stovetop or electric? What about size? Probably matters. Do you love or loathe a whistling beauty? Love the design but not the whistle? Maybe the whistle can be disengaged? Or, perhaps you prefer a more humbled and keep-to-itself kinda kettle? A thorough examination is needed before the final leap and sip is taken!

Another important consideration is how the kettle functions. Is the handle a mover or a blocker? In other words, does it move out of the way to fill with water under the lid? Or does it impede and function as a daily frustration? These are imperative questions when deciding on your little hot water vessel.

This is all the nonsense that helps make sense, and aids in finding the perfect kettle.

See? A Kettle Manifesto.

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Modhaus Design is a female-run, Victoria-based small business. If you like what you’ve experienced working with me or what you’ve read or seen in my posts, please consider lending your support by sharing.

Janice Lousie